Wednesday, January 18, 2012

A Very Snowy Night

Wayne & Sam decided that a simple snow fort was just soooo 20th century...

So, they turned their snow fort into something that made more of a 21st century statement.

Sam is quite pleased with his cavegloo...or is that iglave?

I just call it "cool." Sam claims that it's warm inside of this cavegloo. I'd like for him to define the word "warm."

The pond is frozen over--but not enough to do something crazy like walk on it.

Kayla and Sam decided to give the snowman a larger more appropriate head. Two days earlier, Wayne topped it with a teeny tiny head that just didn't quite cut the mustard.

While Kayla & Sam worked on the snowman, Wayne decided to give this mancave a try.

Is it just me or does Wayne look a bit tall for this iglave?

As Kayla works ever so diligently, Sam decides to hold down the fort--er..I mean snowman.

"On top of old snowman.....All covered with snow...."

"This makes a great chair mom!"

Okay, so it's not just me. Wayne is definitely too tall for the cavegloo.

"Look at me mom! I'm a snowman!"

Cutest snowman I've ever seen. :-)

Millie was quite jealous. She wanted to be out in the snow as well. Every time I looked at the back door--there she was, giving me that pleading look.

Long after we came inside and gathered around the table to eat our dinner--there sat Millie. Occasionally, she'd look back at one of us as if to say, "Seriously, when are you going to let me out? That white stuff is loads of fun!"
We never did let her out, however, I did show her some extra love and attention for the rest of the evening. Millie, in return, rewarded me by being my lap warmer as I sat and watched t.v.. Twas a lovely snowy night. :-)


  1. Awwww... looks like you guys had bucket-loads of fun!! :-) Wish I could have been there to join you! Thanks for posting the photos! LOL... dad was definitely too tall for the igloo ;-)

    Lots of Love (LOL) ;-)


  2. hahaha your captions are brilliant
