Tuesday, January 17, 2012

A Snowy Day--Quiet Beauty


I always thought that hummingbirds migrated to warmer climates for the winter. Apparently not. All three of our hummingbird feeders continue to see a steady stream of traffic--much to our delight! :-)

How do they stay warm? The strong motherly instinct in me wants to say to this little fellow "You need to put on a coat and hat--and some boots too!"

Doesn't he look cold? I have this strong urge to go knit him a tiny little sweater.

Now this little guy annoys me. The brown squirrels I like but these gray ones--not so much! They're big pigs!

See what I mean?

There is such great beauty in a fresh blanket of snow.

Bare trees are beautiful once again...

Instead of looking naked and forlorn.

This is the view God has blessed me with for the time I spend washing dishes. He sure paints a pretty picture. :-)

This tree looks as if it's wearing a snow Snuggie...

How beautiful are the works of God's hands...

It is hard not to feel a sense of peace when looking at such beauty

This little fellow waited ever so patiently for his turn at the feeder. We have 3 bird feeders amongst the trees and they have provided food for many bird families. It is fun to watch them play in the snow. :-)

Trees by the pond...

Eat up my little friend--there's plenty to go around...
Sam & Dad building a snow fort

Snow angel!

Millie (our indoor cat) LOVES the snow! No foolin'! The moment one of us opens the back door--out she flies!

"Hi Mom!"

Sam tapped on the window to wave at me. I had to laugh when I noticed he put a double layer of hats on his head! No wonder he was able to play outside for several hours without getting cold!

"Dad and I are going to go sledding!"

All that we behold is full of blessings~William Wordsworth

I have always enjoyed a snowy day. I love the utter quiet as snow falls softly from the skies. I find it to be ever so cozy and comforting. A snowy day puts me in the mood to bake breads, create desserts and prepare hearty meals for my family. Snow helps us to slow our busy pace and gather together--making and capturing new memories. Games, movies, meals, laughter (and even time to read a good book)--how can one not love a snowy day?....

1 comment:

  1. LOVE the pictures! They're beautiful! I think the last hummer one and the flying squirrel pictures are my favorite! It's snowing again....snow day round two coming up! Love you!
