Saturday, January 21, 2012

I Want To Create This Bulletin Board

I think I finally found the inspiration for our February homeschool bulletin board. There is no greater love than the love God has for us and if we're celebrating a day devoted to love in February--the 14th to be exact--then what better message & verse than this? MmmHmm....My Cricut machine is going to be busy!

Friday, January 20, 2012

A Cold & Snowy Day & Meet the Chinchilla

This little hummer is one tough fellow! Day after day he has braved the snow showers & bitter cold temps.

Both feeders were frozen when we awakened yesterday morning. Wayne brought the feeders in and defrosted them. We put one out at a time and once the feeder started freezing solid again--it was brought inside & a defrosted feeder replaced it. We repeated this cycle over and over again throughout the day.

When we first replaced the frozen solid feeders, this little guy sat and drank for about 7 minutes straight. Poor little fellow! I still want to knit him a scarf, hat & sweater...

Wayne refilled the other bird feeders. I think every bird from a 2 mile radius showed up in the backyard after he came back inside. They were entertaining to watch. Later, Mr. Gray squirrel showed up and started hogging all of the food--the big pig!

Millie maintained her post at the back door in hopes that someone would take pity upon her and let her out. No one took pity upon her. We love her too much to let her do something as foolish as traipsing in the snow on a very cold day.

Sam's iglave...cavgloo... mancave.... repurposed snow fort-- stood strong and lonely as the snow piled up against it. As you can see, Sam marked his territory with blue food coloring. The "traditional" way was not an option. We're not backwoods people...

24.9 was the daytime high and our house averaged a temp. of 68ish. Brrr...Looking at this reminds me of how cold I am right now. I'll be right back.... Okay, I just cranked the heat to 74 degrees. I'm sure I'll strongly regret doing this when I open the next heat bill.

Millie continued to ply me with pleading looks....They were not effective.

This here is our sweet chinchilla "Geni." (Sounds like Jenny only it's pronounced with a hard "g.") We adopted him from my younger brother who named him after his favorite hockey player. Geni is the most entertaining animal we've ever owned. He's easy to care for and uber soft! He's had no problem keeping warm the past week.

He looks like a cross between a bunny, a guinea pig & a squirrel. He's very quiet but will bark when he's feeling unsure about something and he'll whine like a dog if he's wanting attention. Otherwise, he emits tiny little squeaks when he runs around. You have to listen carefully to hear his little squeaks.

Can you see the frozen portion in the feeder?

Sam found himself an icicle--an icicle that had quite the gnarly looking point on it. It was all I could do to refrain from saying "Don't poke your eye out kid!"

In Sam's opinion, it looked like a Jedi sword. He rattled on an on about Star Wars related battles that this swordcicle could fight--and win. I pretended to be greatly interested.

Once he came to the end of regaling me with his imaginary Star Wars battles he went back to licking the swordcicle. I almost told him not to lick it because it had come off of our trailer. If you knew how dirty it is on the top of the trailer--you'd understand my concern. In the end, I let him be a kid and enjoy his dirtcicle. Later, after I settled into my comfy chair with a heavy blanket to watch a show I had TiVoed, the back door burst open and there stood Samuel with 3 of his friends. "Hey mom! We're cold and we need some hot chocolate! Can you make some for us?"  I sat there as if I'd been struck mute. "Uhhh....Uhhmmm.....I don't know if we have any....I'll have to look." Then I was hit with a blast of  the icy cold air that was quickly invading the entire room. As rapidly as the cold air came in--all the expensive hot air flew out. I was hoping they wouldn't ask to come in. (When did I become such an old hermit?) I told Sam I'd look for some hot chocolate & they headed back out to the snow--PTL! I quickly searched the cabinets and found just enough to make 4 mugs of hot chocolate. I didn't have any mini marshmallows, however, I did have the ones that looked like they were on steroids and was able to (barely) squeeze those into each mug. While I waited for the water to boil, I quickly swept the kitchen. I didn't want the neighbor kids to go home and tell their parents how filthy my kitchen floor was--I mean, I'm not typically a lazy person/housekeeper. It's simply that when it's a snow day--I want the day(s) off too--ya' know? As soon as the hot chocolate was ready--I stood at the door and let them each take a mug. They drank part of it outside and then they headed over to the neighbor's house (yes!) to finish it off.  I'm not a grumpy recluse--truly. I just wanted some quiet time to myself. Was that wrong? Hmmm...

I bought Geni a tent the other day while I was out  preparing for snowmageddon. One of the stops I made that day was to our local pet store. I needed just two items. I walked out with 6--one of which was this cute little tent. I couldn't resist--and I'm glad I didn't because this thing is so stinkin' adorable! Geni LOVES it! In this picture, he's rather annoyed with me (you noticed his annoyed look too?). I kept trying to take a cute picture of him sleeping inside of his little pup tent. Every time I pushed the camera button--he'd come flying out of his tent looking quite perturbed. I guess I can't blame him

Annoyed again....My apologies Geni. I'll make it up to you somehow....Perhaps with an extra raisin tomorrow?

We ended our last snowy day with a game of "Sorry" ( I won!) and then we watched a couple of hours worth of t.v.. As I prepared to take a shower before bed--I popped a rib out of place. It hurts. It hurts real bad. How did I do this? I simply raised my arms above my head while taking off my shirt. *Pop!* It still hurts to breathe. This has been an ongoing battle. I was supposed to see the chiropractor on Wednesday & start physical therapy this week as well. Snowmageddon cancelled these appointments and now I have to wait until Monday to call for new appointments with both. Why must I live by Murphy's Law??? Getting older has its pros and cons. This is definitely one of the cons. Ah well, this too shall pass. I just have to remember to breathe shallow....and pray for the strength to endure...

"Within the Scripture there is a balm for every wound, a salve for every sore." ~Spurgeon

~He heals (Ps. 30:2)
~He brings UP the soul (Ps. 30:3)
~He gives joy in the morning (Ps. 30 5)
~He sits as King forever (Ps. 29:10)
~He gives strength to His people.
~He blesses with peace.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Cardamom Bread

Cardamom bread--one of our favorites! It is simple to make & delicious to eat! If I were to add candied fruits and glaze the top of each loaf with a white frosting, it would be called "Julekake" (a Scandinavian Christmas bread). I typically do not add candied fruit (blech!). I add either golden raisins or currants--however, you don't need to add raisins or currants either.  This bread is delicious with a slathering of butter and especially good with Norwegian goat cheese (Gjetost--I prefer the "Ski Queen" brand) . This bread  makes for a great sandwich as well. I make the dough in my bread machine using the dough cycle. *Sorry for the poor quality photo--I used my cell phone camera because I was too lazy to walk upstairs to get my camera.

Speaking of bread machines (we were--weren't we?), THE best bread machine I've ever owned is made by Zojirushi. The pictures above are of the newer models. They make & bake a very nice 2 lb loaf of bread and the dough cycle is simply wonderful. I admit to using the dough cycle more frequently than I do the bread cycle--but both work beautifully!The other nice thing about this machine is that it bakes "normal" looking loaves of bread. I remember my former (cheaper) machines making tall loaves of bread and this always seemed so wrong to me. Yes, the Zojirushi is pricier than the machines that make those goofy looking loaves of bread--but this machine is a total work horse that makes wonderfully delicious breads. It's in a whole different league and is worth every extra dollar you spend!

Speaking of bread flour (Oh, we weren't? My apologies.) I favor the King Arthur brand. I have found that my bread & roll doughs have a higher rise and, in return, I am rewarded with a beautiful loaf of bread or pan of rolls. This is my staple bread flour. I honestly have never used any other flour quite as consistent and reliable as King Arthur bread flour. Wow. I'm starting to sound like a commercial/advertisement for King Arthur.
Guess what I'll be making more of on this beautiful (cold!) snowy day.....

Here is my bread machine recipe for Cardamom Bread:

Cardamom Bread 
(Using the dough cycle on your bread machine)

1 cup milk, warmed to 100 degrees f
1 egg
3 cups bread flour (preferably King Arthur brand)
1/4 cup white sugar
1 tsp. salt
1 tsp. ground cardamom (make sure it's fresh for optimal flavor)
4 TBSP butter, cut up
2 1/2 tsp. bread machine yeast
2/3 cup raisins or currants (dust with a little flour so that they won't stick or clump together)
*2/3 cup candied fruits or sliced citron *optional ingredients

Add ingredients to your bread machine in the order they are listed. Do not add the raisins, currants or candied fruits until your bread machine cycle alerts you (usually a series of beeps).

When dough is ready, divide it in half and shape into 2 loafs on a large good quality baking/cookie sheet (I usually spray the cookie sheet with Pam). Cover and let rise for 1 hour. Preheat oven to 350 degrees and bake for approximately 30 minutes. You want the top of the loaves to be a medium brown. Remove from oven and transfer to bread rack to cool. While fresh (as in hot) from the oven, take a stick of butter and rub over the top of each loaf. Enjoy!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

A Picture of Mr. Snowman--Complete with a Size Appropriate Head

Isn't he cute?!! His mouth is hidden by a layer of snow. I would love to capture a picture of a little birdie perched on one of his arms.  
"So I will bless you as long as I live; in your name I will lift up my hands." Psalm 63:4

A Very Snowy Night

Wayne & Sam decided that a simple snow fort was just soooo 20th century...

So, they turned their snow fort into something that made more of a 21st century statement.

Sam is quite pleased with his cavegloo...or is that iglave?

I just call it "cool." Sam claims that it's warm inside of this cavegloo. I'd like for him to define the word "warm."

The pond is frozen over--but not enough to do something crazy like walk on it.

Kayla and Sam decided to give the snowman a larger more appropriate head. Two days earlier, Wayne topped it with a teeny tiny head that just didn't quite cut the mustard.

While Kayla & Sam worked on the snowman, Wayne decided to give this mancave a try.

Is it just me or does Wayne look a bit tall for this iglave?

As Kayla works ever so diligently, Sam decides to hold down the fort--er..I mean snowman.

"On top of old snowman.....All covered with snow...."

"This makes a great chair mom!"

Okay, so it's not just me. Wayne is definitely too tall for the cavegloo.

"Look at me mom! I'm a snowman!"

Cutest snowman I've ever seen. :-)

Millie was quite jealous. She wanted to be out in the snow as well. Every time I looked at the back door--there she was, giving me that pleading look.

Long after we came inside and gathered around the table to eat our dinner--there sat Millie. Occasionally, she'd look back at one of us as if to say, "Seriously, when are you going to let me out? That white stuff is loads of fun!"
We never did let her out, however, I did show her some extra love and attention for the rest of the evening. Millie, in return, rewarded me by being my lap warmer as I sat and watched t.v.. Twas a lovely snowy night. :-)

Cheesy Ham & Noodle Casserole--A Family Favorite

Occasionally, I'm asked for ideas on what to do with leftovers--especially meals that leave you with an abundance of left over meat. This was the case yesterday when Alissa asked for ideas on how to use all the leftover ham sitting in her fridge. I love to turn a ham bone and ham tidbits into a big pot of navy bean and ham soup--which would be perfect on a cold snowy day like today. :-) Another family favorite is "Cheesy Ham & Noodle Casserole"  so, for me, it was a "no brainer" in what to recommend. It's definitely what I'd categorize as being a true "comfort food."  It is deliciously creamy and good and is quite simple to make.

Cheesy Ham & Noodle Casserole

2 tbsp butter
1 small onion, chopped

Stir in:
1 (family size) can cream of mushroom soup
2 cups Swiss or cheddar cheese (I prefer Swiss--but a mix of the two is very good as well)
1 cup sour cream
2 cups cubed ham
1 package egg noodles, cooked & drained (I used shell macaroni because that's what I had)
Cheddar cheese for topping

Mix all of the ingredients together. You can sprinkle additional cheese on top if you like (I typically do). Bake at 350 degrees until bubbly or golden brown.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

A Snowy Day--Quiet Beauty


I always thought that hummingbirds migrated to warmer climates for the winter. Apparently not. All three of our hummingbird feeders continue to see a steady stream of traffic--much to our delight! :-)

How do they stay warm? The strong motherly instinct in me wants to say to this little fellow "You need to put on a coat and hat--and some boots too!"

Doesn't he look cold? I have this strong urge to go knit him a tiny little sweater.

Now this little guy annoys me. The brown squirrels I like but these gray ones--not so much! They're big pigs!

See what I mean?

There is such great beauty in a fresh blanket of snow.

Bare trees are beautiful once again...

Instead of looking naked and forlorn.

This is the view God has blessed me with for the time I spend washing dishes. He sure paints a pretty picture. :-)

This tree looks as if it's wearing a snow Snuggie...

How beautiful are the works of God's hands...

It is hard not to feel a sense of peace when looking at such beauty

This little fellow waited ever so patiently for his turn at the feeder. We have 3 bird feeders amongst the trees and they have provided food for many bird families. It is fun to watch them play in the snow. :-)

Trees by the pond...

Eat up my little friend--there's plenty to go around...
Sam & Dad building a snow fort

Snow angel!

Millie (our indoor cat) LOVES the snow! No foolin'! The moment one of us opens the back door--out she flies!

"Hi Mom!"

Sam tapped on the window to wave at me. I had to laugh when I noticed he put a double layer of hats on his head! No wonder he was able to play outside for several hours without getting cold!

"Dad and I are going to go sledding!"

All that we behold is full of blessings~William Wordsworth

I have always enjoyed a snowy day. I love the utter quiet as snow falls softly from the skies. I find it to be ever so cozy and comforting. A snowy day puts me in the mood to bake breads, create desserts and prepare hearty meals for my family. Snow helps us to slow our busy pace and gather together--making and capturing new memories. Games, movies, meals, laughter (and even time to read a good book)--how can one not love a snowy day?....