Saturday, December 8, 2012

Fun With Clyde--Our Elf on the Shelf

Last year, I kept hearing about something called "Elf on the Shelf." I didn't pay much attention to it--as is my usual response to new fads. And then I joined Pinterest. You cannot look at any of the holiday Pinterest boards without coming across Elf on the Shelf and all the crazy & fun ideas that come along with owning  adopting one of these little guys.

I would come across pictures like these:

and they'd make me think "That is too much fun!" so I decided that this was a new tradition that could be a lot of fun for our family--especially Sam. :-) So, I drove to Target and purchased one did what any smart shopper does when wanting to avoid crowded stores...I ordered it from Amazon and our Elf arrived 2 days later. Sam was definitely excited about this new tradition and wasted no time in choosing a name for our elf. I'm not sure where he's heard the name Clyde--but he chose this name without having to give it too much thought and didn't waiver in his decision when I asked, "Are you sure? Clyde? This is the name you want to give him?" Sam replied with a resounding "Yep!" Okay then...Clyde it is.....Clyde!

Here's where you can read all about the Elf on the Shelf tradition:

We are definitely having fun with Clyde and I've decided to document his antics. Here's where we found Clyde the first morning:

Hitching a ride with Santa on the rocking horse in the family room.

Our second morning found Clyde hitching a ride with the snowmen on a toboggan...

I think he had fun.... :-)

On the third morning, we found him quietly observing the Nativity display...

On morning number 4, we found Clyde passed out on the fake snow in our Christmas village display...

It does look rather comfy and cozy...Good choice Clyde!

Morning #5 had him enjoying pictures of Alissa & Curt with Santa when they were 2 1/2 & 1 1/2 respectively...

These pics are some of my very favorite of Alissa & Curt... :-)

Morning #6  had Clyde soaking in a mini marshmallow bath...

And here is Sam's response:


"I can't believe my eyes! This is too silly!"

"Whoever heard of taking a bath in marshmallows!.....heeeheeeheee...haaahahaha....hooohohoo..."

"I just can't stop laughing mom! This is just so crazy!"

Morning #7 found Clyde diving into a bag of M&M's....

Sam was trying to see if Clyde was sleeping in there...

 Morning #8 had Clyde making rice angels...

Millie was a bit disturbed by this scene...She kept staring suspiciously at Clyde. Eventually, she decided he was harmless and then tried to eat the minute rice...

This morning, Sam found Clyde in his old Duplo fire truck backed up to the Christmas tree in our living room. Clyde had loaded the back of the fire truck with candy, candy canes, candy corn and syrup. He found a Santa ornament to hug...or, maybe he was trying to take it off of the tree and ran out of time before being discovered...

Where will Clyde show up tomorrow? I guess we'll have to just wait and see. :-)

While Sam was away, I found Clyde snuggled up close to Millie. Perhaps they are working together--plotting and planning ways to be mischievous... Hmmm...

                                                      Clyde whispering in Millie's ear....

Oh yeah....these two are totally in cahoots! Notice how she's sticking out her tongue at me?!!! AND, Millie's been a brat cat the past 3 nights! She runs away and hides when it's bed time....When it's time for her to go to her room for the night!. This has to be it! Clyde's stirring up Millie mishief!

Okay, I need to go check to make sure these two aren't hanging out together...

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