Sunday, November 25, 2012

Inspirational Quote...

We've spent the last couple of days slowly transforming the house from it's everyday look to that of the Christmas season. I like this slower pace of decorating. No one feels too overwhelmed or exhausted. :-) Although, if I'm being completely honest, the jumble of boxes and bins scattered throughout the house does cause me to cringe and feel a bit of.....anxiety....stress....angst...well, let's just say the clutter makes it hard for me to relax. I don't do well in a cluttered environment. It's just not how I'm wired. I can handle it for just so long before I have to tackle it and make it all go away. I figure I have another day--possibly two--before I'll do just that....tackle it. :-)

I came across this quote today and thought it to be truly inspiring:

“From my mother, I learned the value of prayer.  How to have dreams and believe I could make them come true.  I was raised to believe that God has a plan for everyone, and that seemingly random twists of fate are all a part of His plan.  My mother told me that everything in life happened for a purpose.  She said all things were part of God’s plan...even the most disheartening setbacks, and in the end, everything worked out for the best.  If something went wrong, she said, you didn't let it get you down: you stepped away from it, stepped over it, and moved on."

                                               -Ronald Reagan

I hope it speaks to your heart as much as it did mine. 

Be Blessed....


Saturday, November 24, 2012

Counting My Blessings...

Yesterday was one of my favorite holidays--Thanksgiving. :-) I love the meaning of this lovely day--Giving thanks to our wonderful & generous God who has abundantly blessed us throughout the year. Sometimes, however,  I feel that this special day is slowly being squeezed out and becoming a bit lost in this somewhat crazy culture we live in.

When I was a little girl, holidays came one at a time. If one wanted to buy 4th of July decorations on July 3rd--they could! These decorations weren't shoved to a tiny area designated for post season clearance items and they certainly weren't in competition with Halloween AND Christmas decorations. I will never get used to seeing decorations for Fall, Halloween & Christmas at the start of Summer. Nor will I get used to seeing Valentine's Day, St. Patrick's Day & Easter decor pretty much the day after Christmas.  It's too much too soon and truly not the right timing. It's like having holiday ADD--you can't focus for long on any one holiday--much less its meaning--because there's always another one being shoved in your face to distract you away from the one you're trying to enjoy.

In my opinion, Thanksgiving has now become overshadowed by Black Friday and the Christmas season. Christmas is one of my most favorite celebrations/seasons of the year. However, I don't wish to focus on this beautiful season until after Thanksgiving--the way it used to be. The past few years, I've seen a huge increase in the number of news stories, commercials and advertisements for Black Friday. This has become the focus rather than the day of giving thanks. If there's one thing we need to be more focused on--it's time. Time spent relaxing and enjoying the presence of our loved ones and not on things or on the addition of more things to clutter our homes and minds.

 More and more stores are opting to stock their shelves with decorations for holidays that are 6 months away. I'd like to know how many people are actually buying this stuff so far in advance. I honestly don't know of anyone who does--unless they're simply not fessing up for fear of being ridiculed.

Now, with the over hype of Black Friday deals--and even Thanksgiving Day shopping deals--people barely have time to digest their Thanksgiving meal much less finish giving thanks for it before heading out into the crowds to stand in long lines in hopes of scoring that "awesome deal." This holds absolutely no appeal to me. None. Nada. Zip. Zilch. Too much hurrying and scurrying and not enough pausing, savoring, reflecting, remembering and simply enjoying.

Family and friends are two of the greatest blessings God gives us. Yes, there are families who, for whatever reason, just can't seem to get along and have more peace when apart from one another. However, I think for the  majority of us, gathering with family and/or friends is truly a time of enjoyment and of great memories in the making. With each year that passes, I appreciate all the more the time spent with my loved ones. It's appreciated more than any other gift that they could give me. I would much rather have the gift of their time than any "awesome deal" they could score by cutting out early on Thanksgiving. Things can't and won't replace people. Loved ones. Family. Friends. A loving God...

So, as we enjoyed our day of thanks yesterday, I quietly gave thanks for all who were gathered together with me yesterday. I am thankful for my 97 year old grandmother who is still alive and a part of my life here on earth. She has blessed me in ways too numerous to count--both tangible and intangible. I pray that God would bless her with strength and comfort for each day she still has on this earth. She suffers with so much pain and it is difficult to see her body riddled it. Until God calls her home, I will continue to be thankful for the fact that I can still go see her--hug her, kiss her, hold her hand and visit with her. This is a priceless gift!

I'm thankful for my mom and brothers and for the numerous ways they've blessed and encouraged me with their words and actions. They've been there for me during times of need and during times of celebration. They are the common link to my childhood memories and all that this entails. We've watched each other through good times and bad and have maintained the ties that bind us together.

I am thankful for my aunt and uncle who have, in their own way, helped shaped the person I am today. My uncle who was so intimidating to me as a young girl but protective of me in ways I didn't realize until much later. My aunt whom I admired throughout my childhood. I thought her to be beautiful and kind. She is one of the hardest working people I know--and she still is despite the medical challenges she faces.

I am thankful for my wonderful husband who blesses me with his love and faithfulness each and every day. He works diligently & tirelessly to provide for our family--all with little to no complaint. He is fun to hang out with and finds humor in just about anything. He has a servant's heart and is almost always the first to offer a helping hand to someone in need. He is generous and kind. He's a great dad and loves each of his children deeply. He's a great friend and neighbor. His smiles are abundant as are his hugs. He is empathetic and is the best nurse when you are ill or injured. He believes the best about people and is slow to judge. He often rubs my tired feet at the end of a busy day. He is devoted to God, to family and to friends. He is a blessing!

I am thankful for each of my children--my lovely daughter-in-law included!

Each is a treasured gift from God and each has blessed my heart and life beyond what words could express.

I am thankful for Alissa--my first born and the one who gave me the privilege and honor of being called "Mom." She has such a sweet and generous spirit. Like her dad, she is often the first to lend a helping hand and is generous with her time and resources. She has a sweet & gentle nature and she loves to laugh. She is a loyal friend and goes the extra mile to bless others. Alissa has a strong work ethic and works to the best of her abilities. She has a true servant's heart and wants to make a difference here on earth to make it a better place. She truly loves and lives for the Lord and is anchored in Him. This inspires me!

I am thankful for Curt--my first born son, and his lovely bride, Jen. :-) Curt is very kind and tenderhearted. He is very thoughtful and demonstrates this in quiet ways. He also LOVES to tease--but in a fun way! When he laughs you can't help but to laugh with him because his laughter is so infectious! :-) He is goal oriented, independent and hard working. He has an adventurous side--and a love for the outdoors. And computers. ;-) Curt treats others with great respect and he is also very loyal to family and friends. He is protective of those he loves and very devoted to family. :-)

Curt met his beautiful wife at the Starbuck's drive-thru window. He was smitten the first time she took his order. He made it a point to return there every week day morning and finally worked up the courage to ask her out. I'm glad he did because she's truly a lovely person! They make a great team and it is truly a joy to watch them together. :-)

Jen is very thoughtful, creative and kind. She possesses great inner strength and determination and isn't afraid to get things done. She is an excellent teacher and is a great team player AND leader. Jen consistently demonstrates her love and devotion to Curt and, as his mom, this blesses my heart abundantly.We welcomed her into our family with much joy and are proud to call her our daughter-in-law! Curt & Jen are a fun couple to be around and I know that when they are blessed with children to love and raise--they will be most excellent in this role.

I am thankful for my youngest daughter, Kayla who has always had a zest for life and love of learning. Her faith and convictions run deep and when push comes to shove--her determination propels her forward even when she wants to give up. She enjoys helping others and has deep compassion for those in need. She has a bit of an adventurous spirit as well and would love to explore the nooks and crannies of this big earth if given the opportunity. Kayla is also loyal to family and friends and is there when you need her. She is very generous with her resources and readily shares. She is very discerning and this finds her being a person others go to for a listening ear and words of wisdom. She is a very grounded young woman who lives out her faith in God with actions first and words second. Her faith motivates me to keep growing and learning each and every day.

 I am thankful for Samuel--born of my heart. I've known since I was a teenager that I wanted to adopt a baby--most likely from another country. God brought this desire to fruition 9 years ago when Samuel arrived from Seoul, South Korea into our hearts and arms. It was a long journey but he was worth every minute we waited for him to join our family. Samuel's enthusiasm for life is absolutely contagious. It is hard not to smile or laugh when you are around him. His brain is in constant overdrive as he watches, listens and seemingly absorbs everything going on around him. He is a smart little guy and the things he says often catch us off guard. He has high functioning autism which has definitely caused us all some challenges--but a happier little boy you'll not meet! He is very social--fearlessly so. I admire his tenacity in dealing with his daily challenges and he has caused me to grow and stretch in areas that I didn't know I needed to. It has both humbled and strengthened me.

I am also thankful for the blessing of friends--especially those who've touched my heart in the most unexpected ways. I love my friends--many of whom we consider to be an extension of our family and without whom we'd not feel life's joys quite as deeply as we do.

I could continue on and on but I think I'll leave it at this. Family and friends. Our treasures on earth. Blessings from our God in heaven who loves us more than we could possibly comprehend...To Him I give my praise and thanks. :-)